The air is crisp and the sun is warmer. The trees are budding. The grass is green and growing. Every day I see more signs of spring. Spring for the Gunning's means school musicals, band trips and concerts, AP exams, final semester projects and research papers, and Meghan coming home.
At the end of March, Ryan and Patrick participated in the Pit Orchestra for Pirates of Penzannce. It was a great experience. Patrick spent the first weekend of April playing in the Pit for his former middle school's production of Wizard of Oz.
At the end of April, Ryan and Patrick participated in their school's band trip to Virginia Beach. 250 students and 35 chaperones spent three days competing in instrumental and vocal competitions with high schools from across the country. There were schools from Pennsylvania, Washington, DC, Connecticut, Ohio, and Wyoming! The trip was a lot of fun, the groups performed well and were rewarded for their hard work with trophies and awards. Best of all, the festival director complimented our band director on her well-behaved and well-mannered Archbishop Spalding High School students!
I've been going on band trips since Meghan was in 6th grade. This year marks my 8th trip. These trips often involve long bus rides, long days at performance sites and long days at amusement parks or other venues. For many - kids and adults - long days can end in crankiness and irritability. But, each year, these kids amaze me. Not their talents for they are all gifted. Maybe these kids are unique, and maybe they're not! But what I see in these teenagers every year is all that is good in teenagers - they are kind, compassionate, well-mannered, respectful and supportive.
May will begin with Spring Concerts and Meghan's trip home after her first year in Miami. We are all excited for Meghan to be home for the summer.